"What got you here won't get you there"


The first question I'll ask you when we work together is: 

What do you want?

Put aside all limiting beliefs, past experiences, and anxiety about the future, and really think about it.

What do you want from your career? From your life?

What’s holding you back? How can we get you there?

As your coach, I will always tell you the truth. I’m unapologetically direct, honest, and personal. I come to our sessions fired up to help you hit goals you may not have thought possible. I will push you, encourage you, and appreciate you. I will tell you what you need to hear in order to change. I will let you know when you are getting in your own way.

The most successful people are willing to get uncomfortable because that's where the magic happens.

 I’m ready to get started, are you?

If you’re willing to do the work, you can get results like this too...

Perform at high levels despite navigating extreme change, so everyone wins and no one burns out.

Effectively lead teams, develop motivated and empowered employees, and maintain focus to deliver results.

Elevate your presence, ask for what you want, and delegate what you need.

Gain the confidence you need to stand up and speak out as your authentic self.

All while creating a high-performing culture that moves the needle within your organization. Let’s cut the bullsh*t excuses, unpack your stuff, and hit real goals.

Deep Listening

Most people listen to respond based on their own agendas. As your coach, I listen without judgement and help you learn to sit in the discomfort so you can develop tools to move past it.

Powerful Conversations

Our time is powerful because it’s entirely focused on you, but not the surface-level you. We dig into the deeply seeded triggers. We unpack them and start to pull them apart.  

imperfect Action

Talk means nothing if you aren’t willing to do the self-work outside of our time together. Outside of our sessions, I encourage you to create transformational change through small experiments.

If you're thinking: I'm intrigued.
Here's how it works.

Together, we’ll create a plan personalized to help you or your team grow. I’m easy going, but your sessions will be intense. Regardless of the package, the process looks like this...

1:1 Coaching

Private coaching for Emerging and C-Suite leaders

All sessions are confidential—a safe space to explore what’s missing and what needs to go because most of the transformation happens in your mind. If this sounds like the kind of support you need to really get in the game, reach out to see if we’re a good fit for 1:1 coaching.


Full disclosure because I’m not one to feed you bullsh*t: This work is difficult and only those who really commit see the results that they want. The choice is yours.

As a female CEO of a young start-up, I am constantly looking for successful female role models. Maureen is a ray of sunshine, a compassionate coach, and a powerful female leader. Maureen is skilled at asking the questions that pull you to consider an alternative perspective, approach, or solution. Often during our sessions, I would find myself spontaneously coming to many answers I would have otherwise internally filtered out or discarded. The most powerful benefit of our time together was my increased confidence for future problem solving and a template for leading others this way. 

Sarah Snider, CEO Beam Diagnostics, Inc.

Want to feel more confident?

Leadership Development Workshops

Virtual [and in-person] workshops designed to help your team level up together. These best pair with 1:1 leadership coaching sessions so we can identify exactly what your team needs.


Bring me in to speak on:

Leader as Coach: Leaders learn proven coaching techniques to maximize performance in their people.

Delegate to Elevate: Leaders learn to set priorities to achieve more, delegate to empower, and find their place on the balcony.

Presentation and Public Speaking Skills

How to Navigate Difficult Conversations

Feedback: How to Give, Receive, and Ask for it

“I'm grateful for the time I spent with Maureen. Her action-oriented yet empathetic approach gave me the confidence I needed to make positive change while ensuring I felt heard and had the space to reflect on challenges. Maureen continually highlighted my own agency and was a meaningful source of positivity and encouragement. Even after our coaching engagement ended, Maureen not only stayed in touch but welcomed my outreach and continues to offer resources and encouragement months later. Maureen has made me a smarter, more actionable leader for my own team and she's given me the tools to share wisdom and support to other women in my community.”

Rebecca Forbes , Senior Program Manager

Want to be heard?

with me

You're the only thing holding you back right now. If you’re ready to take yourself and your organization to the next level, book a call below and let's see how I can help!

