Take the first step to transform your life.

You know you have what it takes to make a change—you just need a coach to push you to go after what you want.

Contact me and let's see if we are a good fit!

“Maureen is a professional who is intelligent, thoughtful and grounded in empathy. She is a skilled communicator and and an exceptional listener. I always felt seen, heard and valued. I especially enjoyed Maureen's good hearted humor and relatability. My goal was to strengthen my confidence, leadership presence and voice. Midway through our coaching session, a colleague turned to me and said "I like this Susan we are seeing." This was profound as I could feel my confidence growing as I took actions Maureen challenged me to take to create the change I said I wanted. Maureen is a true partner. Working with her was transformative .... a journey that impacted my growth as a leader in both my personal and professional life.”

—Susan M., Director, Non Profit

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Thanks! I'll be in touch soon